General coursework update

Date: 8. 3. 2022

>Gen. Progress: Uploaded base files to on new account

Activity:  Worked on project for 2 hours with one 10 minute break for building / importing files.

Attempted some of the advanced tutorials to see the extent of the platformer's modability without scripting/importing or creation of new assets. Must add that the base tutorials were well done and straight to the point, very manageable.

Luckily already had working experience in Unity, was able to complete the tutorial without any shortcomings / greater issues. Will have to try out the available enemy roster next time I work on this project, looking forward to it, AI is always a fascinating topic in gamedev!

Invested hours:  Total: around 2 hours

With unity preinstalled the previous night, the Tutorials were my main focus for today.


Build (uploaded to the page as a .zip file)

Files 26 MB
Mar 08, 2022

Get Project A - ITGDev

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