2D-gamekit, testing out the waters

Date 15. 3. 2022

>Gen. Progress: Managed to extract and upload coursework from email

Activity:  Built a few levels / zones in the 2d gamekit, got a general feel of the assets and tools included. Big fan of the moving platform script and its modularity.

Going to use parts of it to implement as a “spike / razorblade hazard”, going to get as much mileage out of a moving platform paired with the damager entity script as possible, a very useful combination. Already have some extensions in mind, mainly relating to walls and platforms that the player could pass trough/get blocked by under certain conditions / triggers.

Worked with some of the scripts as instructed in the scripting tutorial, progress to be updated on completion of part 2 of the scripting tutorial.

Invested hours:  Total: around 2-3 hours, spread across several builds and variations playing around with the assets given in the kit.


Expanded my general knowledge on scene transitions, finished 2d gamekit build and uploaded it to itch.io


2dgamekittest.zip 84 MB
Mar 15, 2022

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